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Sewing instructions
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Pattern drafting


Leena's Pattern Drafting Lesson:
Drafting Patterns For Corsets

Metric conversion table

Take the patterns for your basic sloper. Draft patterns for a basic corset according to the picture. All measurements are in centimeters.  

The patterns drafted according to these instructions have ease as much as your basic sloper does. If there is too much or too little ease for the material you use, decrease or increase the patterns at side seams. If you sew the corset of elastic fabric, you need less ease than when you sew the corset of non-elastic fabric Sew a test garment. You can decorate the corset with lace, lace appliqué or brodure if you like. Use your imagination. Examine ready made corsets in stores and copy ideas from them.  

Insert corset bones into vertical seams. Leave the seams which go over bust without bones. 

You can read sewing instructions for corset and other lingerie clicking here

Below in lessons 5 and 6 you get instructions for drafting patterns to two corset tops. I hope the pictures speak for themselves.


Drafting patterns for a corset top 1.

Drafting p atterns for a corset top 2.


Copyright  1998 Leena Lahteenmaki, Jarvenpaa, Finland

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